A person holding another persons hand over a wooden table.

Online Counseling Services

Accessing mental health care has become more convenient than ever in the digital age, thanks to online counseling and therapy services. Online therapy, also known as e-therapy or teletherapy, involves licensed therapists and counselors who provide mental health services through digital platforms. This can be done over a direct connection, in a secure private chat or via a specialized service offering top-notch encryption and privacy.

Sessions can be conducted via video calls, phone calls or even text messaging, if that's more convenient for you and matches your provider’s capabilities. To get started, clients typically schedule an appointment through a secure platform, where they can communicate their concerns and goals. This setup offers a flexible and accessible alternative to traditional in-person therapy sessions, ensuring you get the care you need, regardless of your physical location.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Online Therapy?

Online therapy works well for a wide range of people. It’s particularly beneficial for people who face barriers to accessing in-person services, such as geographical location. The practice is ideal for individuals with busy schedules who find it challenging to attend regular appointments. People who experience social anxiety or prefer the privacy of their own homes may find a virtual therapy setting less intimidating than meeting in person.

Online therapy might not be the best fit for everybody. Individuals with severe mental health issues might have needs that go beyond what online therapy can offer. This is especially the case for patients who require close monitoring or immediate crisis intervention. If you're thinking about consulting an online therapist, remember to speak with a licensed professional in person at least once to determine if online counseling is appropriate for your specific needs and concerns.

Benefits of Online Counseling

Despite its built-in limitations, online counseling offers advantages that can make it an appealing option for those needing mental health support. Advantages of online therapy include:

Accessibility and Convenience

Online counseling is accessible. By eliminating geographical barriers that limit people's access, online mental health services connect people from all over with licensed therapists and counselors. Access to care can be limited for people living in rural areas or in places that are traditionally underserved by mental health clinics. The rise of online therapy eliminates these barriers, bringing services closer to the people who need them.

Flexible Scheduling

Virtual counseling offers a level of flexibility that traditional in-person sessions usually can't. Many online therapists maintain a regular in-person practice but switch to online therapy for evenings and weekends. This can be great for clients with busy schedules, letting them get the care they need on a schedule that works for them.

Comfort and Privacy

Privacy is a key part of effective counseling services. People who receive in-person counseling need to feel comfortable and confident their sessions are safe and strictly confidential. Attending sessions from the comfort and privacy of home may provide an easygoing setting that encourages more engagement with their therapy provider. 


Online counseling isn't just easier and more comfortable than in-person service; it can also be more affordable. Therapists providing services in person typically have to pay for the overhead of an office and payroll for their staff. Because online therapy sessions are easier and more cost-effective for providers, some offer lower rates for online sessions and thus expand the pool of people who can afford their services.

Continuity of Care

Virtual counseling can be a valuable supplement to traditional therapy approaches and provide an ongoing continuity of care. If your regular therapy sessions are interrupted by travel, work shift changes or an unexpected global pandemic, you may be unable to keep up your in-person visits. The ability to see your therapy provider online, over the phone or on your tablet helps keep up your regular schedule even when you can't be present in the office.

Learn More About Online Counseling Today

If you’re interested in exploring online counseling in Texas, we’re here to help. Our team of licensed therapists and professional counselors is dedicated to providing high-quality mental health care through secure, convenient online platforms. 

Take the first step toward better mental health and well-being from the comfort of your home. Contact us today to learn more about our services, or use the "Book an Appointment" button to request a session with an experienced online therapist. 

Preferred Treatment Type

  • In-Person
  • Virtual